The big 3 O(h) dear...
Yesterday was my birthday. It was spent in less than ideal circumstances but nevermind. I share this wonderful day with a host of unlikely characters that appear to include the following: Josef Stalin and Vampira (Maila Nurmi)
Jane Fonda and Frank Zappa
Samuel L. Jackson and Chris Evert
Kiefer Sutherland and Julie Delpy
As for any newly visible signs of aging from 29 to 30 - I had a check this morning:
1. Same wrinkles around the eyes. Check.
2. Same amount of grey hairs. Check.
3. Same flabby stomach/love handles. Check.
4. Same skinny legs. Check.
5. Same tired bags under my eyes. Check.
Therefore, I can conclude that there is no noticeable change after the transition from my 20s to my 30s. Yay.
In other news, I now have only one more day until the long awaited Christmas break and seeing my loved one!
Hokkaido here we come. (hopefully).
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.